Welcome to Year 4

Our staff

Miss Tyler - Teacher for Emerald Class and Year Group Leader
Miss Deaconu - Teacher for Indigo Class
Learning Support Practitioners: Mrs Bowyer and Miss Lanes.

Useful information

Find out more about what we are learning and our topics for each half term by going to our curriculum overviews here.

Swimming lessons take place on Tuesdays for Year 4 children.   Emerald class will be going swimming on Tuesday afternoons for the first half of the year, then Indigo class will go swimming for the second half of the year. PE is slightly different this year as the children who do not go swimming will not have PE every Tuesday, only on alternate weeks (for Autumn term this will 18th September, 2nd October, 16th October, 6th November, 20th November, 4th December and 19th December - this will be Indigo class), During the dates stated both Year 4 classes will do PE on a Thursday afternoon, but Indigo class, as they are not swimming will also do a PE session on a Thursday so they will need PE kit every week on that day.  (Do not worry a message of reminder will be sent out). This routine will be what Emerald Class will do when Indigo class are swimming.


Please ensure your child brings a drink bottle to school with them every day - this should contain water.  Your child will be able to refill their bottle during the school day from our special water coolers to keep themselves hydrated.  Children may also bring a healthy snack to eat at playtime - you can find out more about suitable snacks here.  Children are not to bring any toys, fidget toys, games, stationery/pencil case or other items into school from home.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child and their learning, please do drop into the school office to make an appointment as we are always happy to meet with you.

Home learning

Homework helps to reinforce the learning that has gone on in school during the week. To immerse your child in reading is the most important thing.  Children should read at home with an adult at least 5 times a week and this should be recorded in your child's home learning journal, which needs to been seen by the class teacher weekly on a Friday.  There is a space to learn spellings, times tables and a half-termly homework project related to the topic, which all children are expected to complete and hand in before the end of each half term.  You can find out more about our homework expectations  here.  Children are expected to bring their home learning journal and school reading books to school every day. Spelling tests and Times Table trackers are completed weekly to track children's learning.

Online learning resources

We subscribe to various websites which you can use at home to support your child's learning.  Your child's teacher will be able to provide you with the necessary log in details, and these should be stuck in your child's home learning journal.  Click on the links below to access the resources.

Purple Mash

Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 4 End of year expectations for parents

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Year 4 Recommended Reads

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Year 4 Brilliant resources to support learning

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