On this page, we hope you will find some useful links and signposts to sources of wellbeing support and advice, which we have collected over time. If you have any questions or concerns about information you find here, please contact the school office. If you are in urgent need of help or advice, please seek this from qualified professionals or call the emergency services.

Let's talk about life online

Supporting children to be happy and healthy online is essential to children staying safe. As a parent or carer, the best tool to support your child in leading a safe and positive life online is open conversation. Childnet have produced a useful leaflet with practical advice and conversation starters to help you discuss the online world with your child.

Whether you are approaching these conversations for the first time, or you have already made a start, this advice can help you to support your child to use technology in a happy and healthy way.

For more information, visit the Childnet web site for more information about Childnet’s Parent & Carer Toolkit.

Childnet web site 

Childnet Parent & Carer Toolkit

Women's Aid

Family Rights Group

Rights of Women 


Solace Women's Aid


Latin American Women's Rights 

Domestic Violence Intervention Project 

Respect UK 

Men's Advice Line 


Criminal Exploitation

Criminal Exploitation is when individuals or gangs target children and force them to carry out criminal activity. Exploiters may force young people to deal drugs, steal, commit violent or sexual acts and traffic them.

Children who are being criminally exploited will usually be subject to physical violence and threats – but exploiters are smart: they’ll spend months or years grooming their victims, and parents often aren’t even aware it’s happening.

If you are concerned a child is being exploited it’s important to know that you are not alone and not to blame.  Click here for information about how to report concerns or gain further help and support.

Early Help Hounslow have published a useful helpsheet with contact details for different emergency services that can offer support in a time of crisis. These include the emergency services, the Samaritans, Food Bank information and support for families in debt, amongst other things.